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Skrifa í Gestabók

  • Skráðir notendur gefi upp notandanafn og lykilorð efst á síðunni og skrifi svo færslu í reitinn hér að neðan. Gestabókarfærslan birtist strax.
  • Óskráðir notendur geta einnig skrifað færslu, en verða beðnir um nafn og netfang eftir að smellt er á "Senda". Þeir fá staðfestingarslóð senda í tölvupósti og þurfa að smella á hana til að gestabókarfærslan birtist.


Takk fyrir síðast

Heill og sæll Guðmundur. Sökum krankleika á laugardaginn var, gaf ég mér ekki tíma til að labba með þér um húsakynni Reykjaskóla eins og ég var búinn að lofa þér, en vertu ávalt velkominn og við finnum okkur tíma til rölts og spjalls. Kveðja. Karl B. Örvarsson, Reykjaskóla

Karl B. Örvarsson (Óskráður, IP-tala skráð), þri. 24. mars 2009

Valgerður Halldórsdóttir

Gleðileg jól

með kveðju frá bloggvini í Hafnarfirði

Valgerður Halldórsdóttir, sun. 23. des. 2007

Heidi Strand


Kærar þakkir fyrir að vilja gerast bloggvinur minn. Kv. Heidi

Heidi Strand, lau. 3. nóv. 2007

Ingigerður Friðgeirsdóttir

Til hamingju!

Til hamingju með nýja meiri hlutann í borgastjórn og til hamingju með nýja starfið farnist ykkur vel. Bestu kveðjur Ingigerður

Ingigerður Friðgeirsdóttir, mið. 17. okt. 2007

Inga Lára Helgadóttir

Sæll Guðmundur,

Það hefur oft verið gaman að kíkja hingað inn. Ég óskaði eftir þér sem bloggvin og vona að þú hafnir ekki þeirri vináttu :) Með bestu kveðju, Inga Lára Helgadóttir

Inga Lára Helgadóttir, sun. 15. apr. 2007

Nýtt í Ísland

Zepter International is an organization which produces and sells exclusive high-quality consumer products around the world, principally by way of direct sales through a sales force of 120,000 consultants but also through retail outlets. Since its inception, Zepter has striven to enhance lifestyles around the world and to become an essential part of everyday living. Over the past few decades, Zepter has become a global enterprise with sales through its companies in over 50 countries across the world. The wide range of Zepter products and services extends from: Medical, Beauty and Skincare Products: Bioptron: the patented unique medical light therapy system. Electro-Cosmetic devices: Hand Massager, Electro-Acupuncture, Softelle. Zepter Cosmetics: La Danza, Swiss Nature and Swissological all Swiss made. Zepter Dietary Supplements: 6th Element, food complements and weight management formulas manufactured in Switzerland based on real natural extracts. Home Art Products: VacSy: patented vacuum system used for optimal food preservation at home . Revolutionary Zepter cooking system . Fine Bone China. Tableware . Cutlery: steel, silver and gold plated . Stainless steel and silver accessories for home decoration. Luxury Accessories: Jewellery, exclusive watches and pens. Zepter Telecommunications: Zepterfone, fully owned by Zepter International, a GSM-Operator providing a wide spectrum of services in mobile telephony. All Zepter products share the same high quality standards and workmanship. The Zepter products are manufactured in Zepter's 10 factories located in France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland using the latest technologies to produce items of exceptional quality. Although Zepter has concentrated on demonstrating its products on a personal level by way of direct sales, Zepter also has more than 50 pavilions located in the best avenues of major cities including Paris, Monte-Carlo, Munich, Milan, Moscow, Athens, Barcelona, Chicago, Vancouver, Warsaw, Budapest, Prague... Zepter's success is not only attributed to its innovative products, but also to its motivated sales force, which believes in the products and inspires enthusiasm amongst its customers. Zepter takes pride in its network of highly trained sales representatives, managers and consultants who are familiar with the products and capable of serving their clients. Zepter is constantly seeking to expand into new markets and to improve and develop its products and human resources in order to continue to satisfy and service its customers. Over 30.000.000 satisfied users of Zepter products prove that wherever you see the Zepter name, you can be sure that it means QUALITY, STYLE and VALUE!

Irina Morosanu (Óskráður), mið. 4. apr. 2007

Nýtt í Island : www.zepter.com

Zepter International is an organization which produces and sells exclusive high-quality consumer products around the world, principally by way of direct sales through a sales force of 120,000 consultants but also through retail outlets. Since its inception, Zepter has striven to enhance lifestyles around the world and to become an essential part of everyday living. Over the past few decades, Zepter has become a global enterprise with sales through its companies in over 50 countries across the world. The wide range of Zepter products and services extends from: Medical, Beauty and Skincare Products: Bioptron: the patented unique medical light therapy system. Electro-Cosmetic devices: Hand Massager, Electro-Acupuncture, Softelle. Zepter Cosmetics: La Danza, Swiss Nature and Swissological all Swiss made. Zepter Dietary Supplements: 6th Element, food complements and weight management formulas manufactured in Switzerland based on real natural extracts. Home Art Products: VacSy: patented vacuum system used for optimal food preservation at home . Revolutionary Zepter cooking system . Fine Bone China. Tableware . Cutlery: steel, silver and gold plated . Stainless steel and silver accessories for home decoration. Luxury Accessories: Jewellery, exclusive watches and pens. Zepter Telecommunications: Zepterfone, fully owned by Zepter International, a GSM-Operator providing a wide spectrum of services in mobile telephony. All Zepter products share the same high quality standards and workmanship. The Zepter products are manufactured in Zepter's 10 factories located in France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland using the latest technologies to produce items of exceptional quality. Although Zepter has concentrated on demonstrating its products on a personal level by way of direct sales, Zepter also has more than 50 pavilions located in the best avenues of major cities including Paris, Monte-Carlo, Munich, Milan, Moscow, Athens, Barcelona, Chicago, Vancouver, Warsaw, Budapest, Prague... Zepter's success is not only attributed to its innovative products, but also to its motivated sales force, which believes in the products and inspires enthusiasm amongst its customers. Zepter takes pride in its network of highly trained sales representatives, managers and consultants who are familiar with the products and capable of serving their clients. Zepter is constantly seeking to expand into new markets and to improve and develop its products and human resources in order to continue to satisfy and service its customers. Over 30.000.000 satisfied users of Zepter products prove that wherever you see the Zepter name, you can be sure that it means QUALITY, STYLE and VALUE!

Irina Morosanu (Óskráður), mið. 4. apr. 2007

Kveðja frá eldri borgurum á Álftanesi

Kærar þakkir fyrir að kíkja til okkar s.l. laugardagskvöld. Þetta var frábær skemmtun og atkvæðum er að fjölga ;-))

Guðrún Jóhannsdóttir (Óskráður), mán. 19. feb. 2007

Anna Benkovic Mikaelsdóttir

Kæri Steingrímsson!

Þú ert góður og alls ekki í skugga föður þíns. (en hann var frábær á margan hátt)

Anna Benkovic Mikaelsdóttir, mán. 19. feb. 2007


Fékk ekki Bo platinuplötu um daginn? Húrra fyrir Alkan.

Bo stefans (Óskráður), fim. 28. des. 2006

Kristján Pétursson

Treysti þér

Gott að fá þig til liðs við Samfylkinguna.Um þig blása ferskir vindar.Sé þig fyrir mér í pontunni á alþingi. Kristján Pétursson skrifað 2006-11 -16

Kristján Pétursson, mið. 15. nóv. 2006


sæll Guðmundur. gangi þér allt í haginn. Fíla menn sem að tala um pólitík þannig að mar skilji þá. Adio

Einar Örn (Óskráður), þri. 14. nóv. 2006

Til hamingju

Gangi þér allt í haginn og til hamingju með kostninguna, stattu þig vel á þingi,þú ferð þar inn í vor,kveðja Sólrún

Sólrún Guðjónsdóttir (Óskráður), þri. 14. nóv. 2006

Ekki meiri Mengun yfir Hafnafjörð

Ekki stækka Alkan

Jón Marteinsson (Óskráður), fös. 3. nóv. 2006

Fjölbreytt reynsla er fyrir öllu

Sæll Ég vona svo sannarlega að þú hafir tækifæri til þess að láta gott af þér leiða á ALþingi. Því margþættari reynslu og skilning á þjóðfélaginu sem menn hafa - því betra. Þá geta fáið staðist menn á sporði og þú munt auðveldlega getað hrist upp í sumum ungum "áskrifendum" að þingsætum.Það verða spennandi og lifandi tímar ef (þegar) þið Jakob Frímann komist inn. Kveðja Friðrik.

Friðrik Á.Brekkan (Óskráður), fös. 3. nóv. 2006

Gangi þér vel!

Þú varst góóóóður í gærkvöldi;) Baráttukveðjur Helena Mjöll;)

Helena Mjöll Jóh. (Óskráður), fim. 26. okt. 2006

Hlynur Hallsson

Til hamingju

Til hamingju með síðuna þína Guðmundur og fína pistla. Ég held samt að þú sért að bjóða þig fram fyrir vitlausan flokk. Það hefði verið mun skynsamlegra að ganga til liðs við Vinstri græn. Bestu kveðjur og gangi þér (samt) allt í haginn Hlynur,

Hlynur Hallsson, sun. 22. okt. 2006


Ég er ánægður með framboð þitt Guðmundur og óska þér góðs gengis. Það yrði frábær andlitslyfting á Alþingi að fá þig þangað inn. Gangi þér vel, Magnús Orri

Magnús Orri (Óskráður), mið. 18. okt. 2006


Guðmundur Steingrímsson
Guðmundur Steingrímsson
Tölvupóstur: gummisteingrims@gmail.com
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